栗占国 教授
研究领域: 风湿免疫病发病机制、早期诊断及免疫治疗
联系邮箱: [email protected]
“973 计划”首席科学家、国家杰出青年基金获得者
男,1956 年出生。北京大学教授,主任医师,博士生导师,北京大学人民医院临床免疫中心/风湿免疫科主任,风湿免疫研究所所长,北京大学医学部风湿免疫学系主任。担任亚太风湿病联盟(APLAR)前主席,中华医学会风湿病学分会前任主委,中国免疫学会临床免疫分会主任委员,Clin. Rheumatol.、Int. J. Rheum. Dis.副主编,《中华风湿病学杂志》总编,《北京大学学报》(医学版)副主编,《中华临床免疫与风湿病》总编,《医学参考报(风湿免疫专刊)》主编,Ann. Rheum. Dis.、Nat. Rev. Rheum.、Rheumatology、Curr. Opin. Rheum.、Clin. Exp. Rheumatol.、《中华内科杂志》及《中华医学杂志》等杂志编委。Lupus 及J. Rheumatol.等十几种中英文杂志审稿人。长期从事风湿免疫疾病相关的基础和应用研究。完成了我国RA 患病率、致残率等一系列流行病学调查,对早期诊断方法和标准以及新型免疫治疗进行了系统研究。美国中华医学会(CMB)杰出教授及吴杨奖获得者,享受国务院特殊津贴。
1. Hu, F., R. Mu, J. Zhu, L. Shi, Y. Li, X. Liu, W. Shao, G. Li, M. Li, Y. Su, P. L. Cohen, X. Qiu, and Z. Li﹡. Hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha provoke toll-like receptor signalling-induced inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2014, 73:928-936. (IF: 10.377)
2. Guo, C., F. Hu, H. Yi, Z. Feng, C. Li, L. Shi, Y. Li, H. Liu, X. Yu, H. Wang, J. Li, Z. Li﹡, and X. Y. Wang﹡. Myeloid-derived suppressor cells have a proinflammatory role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2014 [Epub ahead of print]. (IF:10.377)
3. Du, Y., Y. Su, J. He, Y. Yang, Y. Shi, Y. Cui, C. Luo, X. Wu, X. Liu, F. Hu, X. Ma, L. Zheng, J. Zhang, X. Zuo, Y. Sheng, L. Wu, X. Zhang, J. Guo, and Z. Li﹡. Impact of the leucocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor A3 (LILRA3) on susceptibility and subphenotypes of systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjogren's syndrome. Ann Rheum Dis 2014 [Epub ahead of print]. (IF: 10。377)
4. Du, Y., Y. Cui, X. Liu, F. Hu, Y. Yang, X. Wu, X. Ma, X. Zuo, Y. Sheng, J. Xu, P. Zhu, L. Sun, N. Hong, X. Zhang, J. Guo, and Z. Li﹡. Contribution of functional LILRA3, but not nonfunctional LILRA3, to sex bias in susceptibility and severity of anti-citrullinated protein antibody-positive rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheumatol 2014, 66:822-830. (IF: 7.871)
5. Li, C., R. Mu, J. Guo, X. Wu, X. Tu, X. Liu, F. Hu, S. Guo, J. Zhu, H. Xu, and Z. Li﹡. Genetic variant in IL33 is associated with susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Res Ther 2014, 16:R105. (IF:4.117)
6. Xu, C., X. Wang, R. Mu, L. Yang, Y. Zhang, S. Han, X. Li, Y. Wang, G. Wang, P. Zhu, H. Jin, L. Sun, H. Chen, L. Cui, Z. Zhang, Z. Li, J. Li, F. Zhang, J. Lin, X. Liu, S. Hu, X. Yang, B. Lai, and Y. Su. Societal costs of rheumatoid arthritis in China: a hospital-based cross-sectional study. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 2014, 66:523-531. (IF: 4.039)
7. Hu, F., Y. Li, L. Zheng, L. Shi, H. Liu, X. Zhang, H. Zhu, S. Tang, L. Zhu, L. Xu, Y. Yang, and Z. Li﹡. Toll-like receptors expressed by synovial fibroblasts perpetuate Th1 and th17 cell responses in rheumatoid arthritis. PLoS One 2014, 9:e100266. (IF: 3.73)
8. Li, C., R. Mu, X. Y. Lu, J. He, R. L. Jia, and Z. G. Li﹡. Antilymphocyte antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus: association with disease activity and lymphopenia. J Immunol Res 2014:672126. (IF:3.064)
9. Zhu, H., X. Sun, L. Zhu, F. Hu, L. Shi, Z. Li﹡, and Y. Su﹡. The expression and clinical significance of different forms of Mer receptor tyrosine kinase in systemic lupus erythematosus. J Immunol Res 2014:431896. (IF:3.064)
10. Du, Y., X. Liu, J. P. Guo, R. Li, Y. Zhao, M. H. Li, and Z. G. Li﹡. Association between PADI4 gene polymorphisms and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody positive rheumatoid arthritis in a large Chinese Han cohort. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2014, 32:377-382. (IF:2.973)
11. Zhao, J., Y. Su, R. Li, H. Ye, Q. Zou, Y. Fang, H. Liu, X. Li, J. Guo, L. Bi, F. Gu, L. Sun, Y. Mei, Z. Zhang, L. Chen, P. Zhu, G. Li, X. Leng, Y. Zhao, L. Jiang, H. Zou, Y. Liu, L. Li, H. Wang, X. Liu, and Z. Li﹡. Classification criteria of early rheumatoid arthritis and validation of its performance in a multi-centre cohort. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2014, 32:667-673. (IF:2.973)
12. Zhu, H., X. Sun, L. Zhu, F. Hu, L. Shi, C. Fan, Z. Li﹡, and Y. Su﹡. Different expression patterns and clinical significance of mAxl and sAxl in systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus 2014. (IF: 2.783)
13. Li, Y., F. Hu, Y. Dai, R. Li, X. Ma, Y. Du, M. Feng, Y. Jia, C. Zhang, L. Zhu, D. Ascherman, and Z. Li﹡. Serum anti-lipocalin 2 IgG is a novel biomarker in the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus 2014, 23:868-875. (IF: 2.783)
14. Ye, H., X. W. Zhang, R. Mu, L. K. Fang, J. R. Gu, J. Lin, J. F. Du, J. W. Chen, Y. J. Chen, L. J. Wu, X. F. Pang, and Z. G. Li﹡. Anti-TNF therapy in patients with HBV infection--analysis of 87 patients with inflammatory arthritis. Clin Rheumatol 2014, 33:119-123. (IF: 1.774)
15. Zhang, X. W., C. Li, X. X. Ma, J. X. Zhao, Y. An, S. Liu, Y. Li, and Z. G. Li﹡. Short-interval lower-dose intravenous cyclophosphamide as induction and maintenance therapy for lupus nephritis: a prospective observational study. Clin Rheumatol 2014, 33:939-945. (IF: 1.774)
16. Li ZG. A new look at rheumatology in china--opportunities and challenges. Nature reviews. Rheumatology. 2015;11 (5):313-317 (IF: 9.845)
17. Wang T, Sun X, Zhao J, Zhang J, Zhu H, Li C, Gao N, Jia Y, Xu D, Huang FP, Li N, Lu L, Li ZG. Regulatory t cells in rheumatoid arthritis showed increased plasticity toward th17 but retained suppressive function in peripheral blood. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 2015;74 (6):1293-1301 (IF: 10.377)
18. Zhang X, Mu R, Wang X, Xu C, Duan T, An Y, Han S, Li X, Wang L, Wang C, Wang Y, Yang R, Wang G, Lu X, Zhu P, Chen L, Liu J, Jin H, Liu X, Sun L, Wei P, Wang J, Chen H, Cui L, Shu R, Liu B, Zhang Z, Li G, Li Z, Yang J, Li J, Jia B, Zhang F, Tao J, Lin J, Wei M, Ke D, Hu S, Ye C, Yang X, Li H, Huang C, Gao M, Lai P, Song L, Su Y. The impact of rheumatoid arthritis on work capacity in chinese patients: A cross-sectional study. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2015;54 (8):1478-1487 (IF: 4.475)
19. Zhang X, Zhang S, He J, Hu F, Liu H, Li J, Zhu J, Li Z. Ultrasonographic evaluation of major salivary glands in primary sjogren's syndrome: Comparison of two scoring systems. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2015;54 (9):1680-1687 (IF: 4.475)
20. Ye H, Zhang J, Wang J, Gao Y, Du Y, Li C, Deng M, Guo J, Li Z. Cd4 t-cell transcriptome analysis reveals aberrant regulation of stat3 and wnt signaling pathways in rheumatoid arthritis: Evidence from a case-control study. Arthritis research & therapy. 2015;17:76 doi: 10.1186/s13075-015-0590-9 (IF: 3.753)
21. Hu F, Liu H, Xu L, Li Y, Liu X, Shi L, Su Y, Qiu X, Zhang X, Yang Y, Zhang J, Li Z. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha perpetuates synovial fibroblast interactions with t cells and b cells in rheumatoid arthritis. European journal of immunology. 2015. (Epub ahead of print) (IF: 4.034)
22. Liu M, Wu X, Liu X, He J, Su Y, Guo J, Li Z. Contribution of dendritic cell immunoreceptor (dcir) polymorphisms in susceptibility of systemic lupus erythematosus and primary sjogren's syndrome. Human immunology. 2015;76 (11):808-811 (IF: 2.138)
23. Wen W, Liu Y, Zhao C, Sun X, Zhang C, Li Z. Clinical and serologic features of primary sjogren's syndrome concomitant with autoimmune hemolytic anemia: A large-scale cross-sectional study. Clin Rheumatol. 2015;34 (11):1877-1884 (IF: 1.696)
24. Wang GY, Zhang SL, Wang XR, Feng M, Li C, An Y, Li XF, Wang LZ, Wang CH, Wang YF, Yang R, Yan HM, Wang GC, Lu X, Liu X, Zhu P, Chen LN, Jin HT, Liu JT, Guo HF, Chen HY, Xie JL, Wei P, Wang JX, Liu XY, Sun L, Cui LF, Shu R, Liu BL, Yu P, Zhang ZL, Li GT, Li ZB, Yang J, Li JF, Jia B, Zhang FX, Tao JM, Lin JY, Wei MQ, Liu XM, Ke D, Hu SX, Ye C, Han SL, Yang XY, Li H, Huang CB, Gao M, Lai B, Cheng YJ, Song LJ, Yu XX, Wang AX, Wu LJ, Wang YH, He L, Sun WW, Gong L, Wang XY, Wang Y, Zhao Y, Li XX, Zhang Y, Su Y, Zhang CF, Mu R, Li ZG. Remission of rheumatoid arthritis and potential determinants: A national multi-center cross-sectional survey. Clin Rheumatol. 2015;34 (2):221-230 (IF: 1.696)
25. Guo Q, Zha X, Li C, Jia Y, Zhu L, Guo J, Su Y. Serum calprotectin-a promising diagnostic marker for adult-onset still's disease. Clin Rheumatol. 2015. (Epub ahead of print) (IF: 1.696)
26. Lau CS, Chia F, Harrison A, Hsieh TY, Jain R, Jung SM, Kishimoto M, Kumar A, Leong KP, Li Z, Lichauco JJ, Louthrenoo W, Luo SF, Nash P, Ng CT, Park SH, Suryana BP, Suwannalai P, Wijaya LK, Yamamoto K, Yang Y, Yeap SS. Aplar rheumatoid arthritis treatment recommendations. International journal of rheumatic diseases. 2015;18 (7):685-713 (IF: 1.469)
27. Towiwat P, Li ZG. The association of vitamin c, alcohol, coffee, tea, milk and yogurt with uric acid and gout. International journal of rheumatic diseases. 2015;18 (5):495-501 (IF: 1.469)
28. Ren LM, Li R, Chen LN, Zhu P, Gu F, Sun LY, Zhao JX, Liu XY, Guo JL, Bi LQ, Hao YJ, Zhang ZL, Mei YF, Zhang ZY, Liu HX, Li XF, Luo Y, Fang YF, Li ZG, Su Y. Efficacy and safety of weekly leflunomide for the treatment of early rheumatoid arthritis: A randomized, multi-center study. International journal of rheumatic diseases. 2015. (Epub ahead of print) (IF: 1.469)
29. Li Y, Sun X, Zhang X, Liu Y, Yang Y, Li R, Liu X, Jia R, Li Z. Establishment of a decision tree model for diagnosis of early rheumatoid arthritis by proteomic fingerprinting. International journal of rheumatic diseases. 2015. (Epub ahead of print) (IF: 1.469)
30. Li L, He J, Zhu L, Yang Y, Jin Y, Jia R, Liu X, Liu Y, Sun X, Li Z. The clinical relevance of il-17-producing cd4+cd161+ cell and its subpopulations in primary sjogren's syndrome. Journal of immunology research. 2015;2015:307453 (Epub ahead of print) (IF:3.064)
31. Guo Q, Chen X, Du Y, Guo J, Su Y. Cyclic amp-responsive element modulator alpha polymorphisms are potential genetic risks for systemic lupus erythematosus. Journal of immunology research. 2015;2015:906086 (Epub ahead of print) (IF:3.064)
32. Xiang N, Li XM, Zhang MJ, Zhao DB, Zhu P, Zuo XX, Yang M, Su Y, Li ZG, Chen Z, Li XP. Total glucosides of paeony can reduce the hepatotoxicity caused by methotrexate and leflunomide combination treatment of active rheumatoid arthritis. Int Immunopharmacol. 2015, 28(1), 802-7. (IF: 2.472)
33. Li W, Chen Y, Sun ZP, Cai ZG, Li TT, Zhang L, Huang MX, Hua H, Li M, Hong X, Su JZ, Zhang ZY, Liu YY, He J, Li ZG, Gao Y, Yu GY. Clinicopathological characteristics of immunoglobulin g4-related sialadenitis. Arthritis Res Ther. 2015,17, 186. (IF: 3.753)
34. Li CL, He J, Li ZG, Zheng LW, Hua H. Effects of multi-glycosides of tripterygium wilfordiion in the treatment of sjogren's syndrome in the non-obese diabetic mouse model. Chin J Dent Res. 2015, 18(2), 95-101.
35. Hong X, Sun ZP, Li W, Chen Y, Gao Y, Su JZ, Wang Z, Cai ZG, Li TT, Zhang L, Liu XJ, Liu YY, He J, Li ZG, Yu GY. Comorbid diseases of igg4-related sialadenitis in the head and neck region. Laryngoscope. 2015, 125(9), 2113-8. (IF: 2.144)
36. Tong X, Barbour M, Hou K, Gao C, Cao S, Zheng J, Zhao Y, Mu R, Jiang HR. Interleukin-33 predicts poor prognosis and promotes ovarian cancer cell growth and metastasis through regulating erk and jnk signaling pathways. Mol Oncol. 2015 (Epub ahead of print) (IF: 5.331)
37. Zhou XJ, Mu R, Li C, Nath SK, Zhang YM, Qi YY, Li ZG, Zhao MH, Zhang H. Association of variants in ccr6 with susceptibility to lupus nephritis in chinese. Arthritis Rheumatol.2015, 67(11), 3091-3. (IF: 7.871)
38. Wang G, Mu R, Xu H. Management of rheumatoid arthritis in people's republic of china - focus on tocilizumab and patient considerations. Int J Gen Med. 2015, 8, 187-94. (IF: 3.449)